
Subshrubs 15–40 cm, much branched at the base. Stems erect, ribbed, glandular, leafy at the base and loosely foliaceous to the apex, with their base prostrate and rooting, Leaves subcoriaceous, sessile, 3–nerved, irregularly toothed at margin, with stipitate glandular trichomes and sessile glandular trichomes in pits on both blade surfaces; basal leaves elliptic–spathulate 15–22 × 3–4 mm, acute or semiobtuse; cauline leaves linear–elliptic 18–22 × 2–3 mm, acute. Heads radiate, heterogamous, pedunculate, 1–1.2 cm diam., arranged in corymbiform cymes at stem apex; peduncles 5–20 mm, with 1 or 2 linear-elliptic bracts 3–5 mm long. Involucre turbinate, resinous, 5–7 mm × 3–5 mm. Receptacle flat or slightly convex, naked, pitted, pilose. Phyllaries in 3 graduated series, outer phyllaries oblong, glandular, acuminate, inner phyllaries narrowly obovate, apiculate. Ray florets 4 to 9, pistillate, with lamina white, narrowly obovate, 6–7 mm long.; style with branches linear-elliptic, apex obtuse, papilose. Disk florets 8 to 11, perfect, with corolla yellowish, 3–4 mm, tubular, with an abruptly ampliate throat. Anthers rounded at the base; apex of connective ovate to ovate elliptic; style branches elliptic, acute, with sweeping papillose trichomes on the outer side. Achenes grey, turbinate, densely sericeous; pappus of 14–16 linear-elliptic erose-margined scales, ca. 1 mm long. in ray florets and 2–2.5 mm long. in disk florets

Distribucion y Habitat

Gutierrezia mendocina has only been collected in the Department of Tunuyán in Mendoza Province (Argentina). This species inhabits the transition of phytogeographical province of the Monte belonging to the Domain Chaco and phytogeographical province of Patagonia of the Domain “Andino-Patagónico”


Gutierrezia mendocina Ratto & A. Bartoli

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • Ratto, F.
  • 47 a Tunuyán Mendoza
  • Ratto, F.
  • 47 a Tunuyán Mendoza

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: Argentina. Mendoza. Dept. Tunuyán. Puesto de Gendarmería Alférez Portinari, 33º 36.40' S, 69º 27.70' W, 2167 m, 12.01.2011, F. Ratto, F. Marzaro & M. Bello 47 (holotipo, BAA; isotipos, BAA, BC, CTES, SI-192880!)