
Robust annual herbs to 1 m tall, unbranched or branching from base, the lowest pairs of branches decumbent, often equaling height of main stem, the upper branches fewer, shorter. Leaves linear-lanceolate, less often elliptic to spathulate, 15-80 by 4-15 mm, usually 1-3 times length of internode above, tending to be fleshy, the apex obtuse to generally acute, the base auriculate- cordate, clasping, occasionally cuneate on lowermost leaves. Inflorescences axillary, sessile, 1- to 3- (to 5-)flowered cymes. Floral tube urceolate, frequently prominently 4-ridged or subalate, averaging 3.5 by 2 mm, subtended by 2 linear bracteoles Vi height of tube; calyx lobes broadly triangular with acute apex, alternating with thickened appendages equal to lobes in length; append- ages usually erect in bud; petals 4 (to 8), obovate, usually 2.5 by 3 mm, pale lavender, sometimes with deep rose spot at base of midvein or with rose-purple midvein; stamens 4 (or 5 to 1 2), exserted, anthers pale yellow to yellow; style long, slender, slightly exserted at anthesis; ovary incompletely 2- (to 4-)locular. Capsule 4-6 mm in diameter at maturity, enclosed in or equal to calyx lobes, rarely exceeding lobes, n = 17.

Distribucion y Habitat

Ammannia robusta is widely distributed in North America except in the southeastern United States and is most frequently collected in the Plains States. It is uncommon in the Caribbean, and it is limited to the coast north of Rio de Janeiro in South America, where it is apparently an early, but persistent, introduction.

Ejemplares de referencia

Colector N° Colect. Especie Departamento Provincia Imagen
  • d'Orbigny, A. D.
  • 204 Patagones Buenos Aires
  • Smith, L. B.
  • 5950 Laguna Santa Catarina

    Nombre Vulgar y Usos

    Tipo y Observaciones

    Material Tipo: Brasil. Rio de Janeiro. Niterói. Piratininga, 23 Jul 1875, A. F. M. Glaziou 8340 (neotipo, R 000000186, designado por Graham, J. Arnold Arbor. 66: 414. 1985).